Monday 25 August 2014


I've been rather down-in-the-dumps lately. Perhaps I should blame it on the colder than usual summer, or the fact that I miss the mental stimulation University brings, or even my recent lack of social life, but my mood seems to perpetually hover somewhere in the region of BLAH. Apathy has apparently become my middle name and the amount of time I'm spending in my pyjamas will attest to that. I'm learning in my life, however, that the little things have the biggest consequences. Trying to focus on the small purposeful good things I can do in my day really does make a difference to my overall mood, and so today I created a little happiness to-do list for myself:

1 // Clean my room (again)
2 // Enjoy a sweet, sweet peach and a crispy apple
3 // Paint my finger nails an eye-popping shade of lilac
4 // Write an uplifting quote on my chalkboard
5 // Browse Boden's beautiful clothes (if ever a brand represented my personal style, this is it)
6 // Play Duffy on the iPod dock and put those 60's vibes on loudspeaker
7 // Text a friend to arrange a future hangout
8 // Write more of my children's story
9 // Have a slice of Mum's homemade Victoria Sponge cake
10 // Take advantage of today's surprisingly hot weather and go for a swim

Small, simple things, and none of them particularly life-changing, but what I'm beginning to understand is that a big life change is made out of little moments.

So yes, while I am still in my pyjamas, I'm trusting that better things are coming.

Kitty xx


  1. I love that chalk board! So pretty.

    1. Thank you! It was originally an old mirror I bought at an antique fair about five years ago, and I painted the frame edge blue and the mirror with chalkboard paint :)
